
I help my partners make data-driven decisions.”
"A struggle I have overcome is imposter syndrome.
I've learned that I am smart, capable and my voice matters. I am in my position because I have earned it.
I can do it and do it well."
What does advocacy mean to you?
"I really enjoy mentoring. I want everyone to reach their full potential."
"One of my favorite moments are when I see growth in my mentees. Recently, I have expanded that to youth as part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Central Ohio. In addition, I am continually looking for ways to help employees at Chase upskill so they can join the analytics department to bring more diversity to the space."
What's something you're working on that's in progress?
"I am working on self care and making myself a priority. With that, I have really gotten into cycling. I started focusing on this at the start of 2021 and it is going well so far!"

What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
"The most adventurous thing I've done is gone ATVing in Mexico, which in hindsight doesn't seem very adventurous. But... I would absolutely do it again."